Teleoperation tools

One of the objectives in the project was to evaluate the challenges involved in the teleoperation of an aerial vehicle in a scenario with multiple UAVs.

For example, in order to cooperate in a monitoring mission, the human needs to pilot the helicopter far away, maybe with no full visibility conditions. The radiocontrol pilot also needs:

  1. to follow the flight missions provided by the Control Centre,
  2. to know the positions of the UAVs involved in the mission and its own position in this scenario,
  3. to have data about other elements which are relevant in a mission.

Teleoperation interface
Video recorded during Lousa experiments (May 2003).
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In order to achieve those objectives, it is necessary to add some "special" hardware on board the teleoperated helicopter:

  • cameras and sensors to get data about helicopter attitude and environment,
  • GPS devices to obtain the position of the helicopter,
  • Wireless communication systems to send all this information to the ground station to be used by the pilot.
Teleoperation interface
Video recorded during Gestosa experiments (May 2003).
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In this web page you can see some screenshots and videos from the teleoperation interface recorded during the experiments in May 2003. This interface shows in multiple displays:

  1. Graphical information about position, velocity, heading, trajectory, target situation, etc.
  2. Video transmitted by the cameras on board the helicopter (infrared and visual).
  3. Extra data (relevant position and mission information) which is overlayed to the images received from the cameras. This option is very useful to help the pilot during the flight, because he has all the relevant information integrated in a single display.

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