Perception tools

The fleet of UAV need to "understand" the environment, and imaging sensors such as cameras provide important information. The COMETS system will develop coordinated perception tools, in order to use the redundancies that a group of UAV presents ,such as gathering images from different points of view of the same event.

The applications currently considered are terrain mapping, fire monitoring and surveillance.

  • Robust features extraction: blobs

    Robust features extraction is an important previous step in many image analysis applications. Homogeneity features are called blobs in scale-space theory. In contrast to segmentation, blob detection has a more modest goal -- we do not attempt to segment out exact shapes of objects, instead we want to extract robust and repeatable features.

    Blobs video Download now

    Blobs video Download now

    These blob features are very stable, and are useful for applications such as wide baseline matching. The video shows the blob feature extraction procedure over a sequence recorded from an helicopter.

    Blob features have been used as texture descriptors and as features for image database search. Blob features are also related to maximally stable extremal regions (MSER), and to affinely invariant neighbourhoods. MSER features are regions grown around an intensity extrema (max or min) and are used to generate affine invariant frames, which are then used for view based object recognition.

  • Motion estimation

    In most surveillance and monitoring applications, motion analysis is a key tool.

Traffic video Download now

Tracking video Download now

Spacio-temporal filtering techniques for motion estimation are considered, and could be used for traffic monitoring, surveillance activities and other.

Also, a feature matching based technique has been used for sequences of images where the frame rate is very low. The video sequence shows how a set of regions on the image plane is automatically selected and tracked over the whole sequence.

  • Measurements from the sequence of images

    Image compensation

    The results provided by the feature matching method are used to refer the images of the object of interest to a fixed frame by a computing a projective mapping. This is a previous step for some monitoring applications.

  • Fire segmentation

    Techniques for fire segmentation in visual and infrared images have been implemented. Processing and segmentation are applied to a sequence of images received from the communications system every second.

    Wavelet based techniques for optimal threshold selection in gray-scale images have been used, and applied to the segmentation of fire in IR images.

    IR Compensation
    Infrared images compensation and fire segmentation.
    Download now

    In visual images, a colour histogram based segmentation procedure is used:

    Visual Compensation
    Visual images compensation and fire segmentation.
    Download now

Fire characteristics
Fire characteristics extraction.
  • Fire characteristics extraction

    Analyzing the contours of the fire objects detected (and their evolution) it is possible to determine the pixels corresponding to the fire base, the height (in pixels) of the flames and the direction of evolution of the fire.

Once the compensation has been performed and the objects have been segmented in the images, it is possible to obtain the measurements.

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