General Workplan

The project will start with the system specifications and the detailed definition of the particular research tecniques to be addressed in the project. These important activities to achieve the project objectives are included in WP1 and will provide inputs to the remaining Workpackages.

The design and development of the real-time control architecture is an objective of the project. Then WP2 has been devoted to the Architecture. This architecture will be designed following the specifications in WP1 and will provide a framework for the integration of the subsystems developed in other Workpackages.

According to the physical decomposition of the system in the ground segment and the flying segment (see section 5) two Workpackages can be defined: "Central real-time coordination and control" (WP3) and "Distributed reliable autonomous real-time control" (WP4). This way, the right development of any of them won't be blocked by problems in the other. The ground and flying segments will be integrated following the architecture defined in WP2.

It has been noticed that real-time control is the main topic of the project. However, the implementation of the real-time system requires environment sensing and perception, which is also required to accomplish the mission of the system considered in this project. Thus, WP5 is devoted to Cooperative Environment Perception. The functionalities to be developed in this WP will fulfil the specifications defined in WP1 and will be integrated according to the architecture defined in WP2 and taken into account the constraints of each UAV in the flying segment (WP4) and the information in the control centre (WP3).

Once that WP3 is finished, and WP4-WP5 are in their last stages, a Workpackage is devoted to the Testing and Validation (WP6) of the main system components and its integration, with feedback to the other workpackages.

Field Experimentation (WP7) plays an important role in this project. In fact experimentation in the UAV domain is a topic of major concern and a key element in the success of the project. Then, a Workpackage has been devoted to these experiments.

Finally, WP8 will be devoted to all the activities related to the dissemination of the system in the scientific, industrial, and end users communities, as well as to the activities related to the exploitation of the system.

In the next sections, the list of deliverables to be produced is shown.

List of deliverables for the first year

Deliverable Number Deliverable Name Release date
D1 System requirements document August 2002
D2 Software requirements document August 2002
D3 Functional specification of the API of the communication system August 2002
D4 Architecture design document November 2002
D32 Dissemination and Use Plan November 2002
D33 Web Site first draft November 2002
D5 Catalogue of on-board and ground installations of communications links March 2003
D6 Control Centre Detailed Design Document April 2003
D7 Autonomous Helicopter operation setup for the 1st year experiment. April 2003
D8 Airship operation setup for the 1st year field experiments. April 2003

List of deliverables for the second year

Deliverable Number Deliverable Name Release date
D9 Detailed Architecture Design Document July 2003
D10 Report of First Field Experiments August 2003
D11 Complete set of communication API implementations. September 2003
D12 Perception tools design document. October 2003
D13 Terrain Mapping system design document. October 2003
D14 Interaction and cooperation in multi-UAV systems. January 2004
D15 UAV fault detection tools. January 2004
D16 Autonomous Helicopter operation setup for the 2nd year experiment. April 2004
D17 Airship operation setup for the 2nd year field experiments. April 2004

List of deliverables for the third year

Deliverable Number Deliverable Name Release date
D18 Control Centre Software Test Plan July 2004
D19 Control Centre Software Test Description July 2004
D20 Teleoperation Tools July 2004
D21 Ground station software tools July 2004
D22 UAV Control Methods July 2004
D23 Report of the second field experiment August 2004
D24 Final Autonomous Operation setup November 2004
D25 Final Airship Operation Setup November 2004
D26 Multi-UAV Reliability Tools November 2004
D27 Detection and Monitoring Perception Tools November 2004
D28 Co-operative Terrain Mapping November 2004
D31 Exploitation Strategy November 2004
D33 Web site November 2004
D34 Testing and validation conditions November 2004
D29 Testing and Validation Report July 2005
D30 Report of the Third Field Experiment and Demonstrations July 2005
D31 Exploitation Strategy July 2005

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