COMETS Related Events

Many efforts have been carried out during the project to spread the approach and results in the scientific, industrial, and end users communities by publications, papers or books, presentations at scientific conferences and workshops, organization and maintenance of this internet web site and the definition of the exploitation strategy.

In the following sections, several list of events are available organized by periods:

From 01/05/02 to 31/10/02

Event Dates Location Purpose / Justification / Major outcome Participants
Kick-off meeting May, 2-3 ESI, Univ. Seville, Spain Discussion of Project Management Strategies, Presentation of Preliminary Work, Analysis of the Work–Programme, Distribution of efforts between the tasks. All
General COMETS presentation to the end-users May, 3 ESI, Univ. Seville, Spain First presentation of the project to the end users. Collection of relevant information for the specification. All
Gestosa experiments May, 30-31 Coimbra, Portugal Participation in the Gestosa Experiments (COMETS experimentation and demonstration site) to know the environment and to get information (data, images) useful for the specification and design of the COMETS system. ADAI, AICIA, GMV, TUB
Coordination meeting July 4 ESI, Univ. Seville, Spain Meeting between the Scientific coordinator team and the Financial Coordination team. AICIA, GMV
XXIII Spanish Control and Automation Conference Sept 9-11 Univ. La Laguna, Spain Presentation of three papers and posters with preliminary COMETS results. AICIA
Second COMETS meeting Sept 29-30 Hotel Aulac and EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Analysis of the Specification, Architecture design meeting, First steps in WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP7. AICIA, GMV, LIU, LAAS, TUB, ADAI
IROS'02 Workshop on Aerial Robotics Oct 1 EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Workshop in the framework of the IROS IEEE Conference. to disseminate COMETS and obtain feedback. AICIA, LIU, LAAS, TUB
Conference on Aerial Means for fire fighting Oct 28, 29 Cordoba, Spain Presentation of COMETS to the forest-fire end-users. AICIA

From 01/11/02 to 30/04/03

Event Dates Location Purpose / Justification / Major outcome Participants
IV ICFFR Nov, 18-23 Coimbra, Portugal Presentation of COMETS at the Int. Conference of Forest FIRE Research: Oral presentation on a Session on European Projects and Poster. ADAI, AICIA
IEEE IECON 2002 Nov, 5-8 Seville, Spain Presentation of a COMETS paper related to the perception System at the IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation. AICIA
Review preparation meeting Dec, 4 Brussels, Belgium Preparation of the Review Meeting. ADAI, AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB
Review meeting Dec 5 Brussels, Belgium Review meeting. ADAI, AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB
UVS 2002 Dec, 6 Brussels, Belgium Presentation of COMETS in the meeting organized by the European Unmanned Vehicle Systems Association. AICIA
Third general COMETS meeting March 2-4 LAAS, Toulouse Experiments Planning, Architecture meeting, Workprogramme review. AICIA, GMV, LIU, LAAS, TUB, ADAI

From 01/05/03 to 31/10/03

Event Dates Location Purpose / Justification / Major outcome Participants
General COMETS experiments May, 12-16 Coimbra, Portugal First COMETS General Experiments. All
EU-MEDIN Forum May, 26 Thessaloniki, Greece Presentation of COMETS project. ADAI
Review meeting preparation June, 18 Brussels, Belgium Preparation of the Review Meeting. AICIA, GMV, LIU, LAAS, TUB, ADAI
Review meeting June, 19 Brussels, Belgium Review Meeting. AICIA, GMV, LIU, LAAS, TUB, ADAI
IEEE ICAR 03 June 30 - July 3 University of Coimbra, Portugal Presentation of a COMETS paper at the International Conference on Advanced Robotics. AICIA
European Consultation Workshop on Early Warning in Natural Disasters July 28, 29 Potsdam, Germany Presentation of COMETS project. ADAI
IFAC SYROCO 03 Sept 1-3 Wroclaw, Poland Presentation of a Plenary Session on Aerial Robotics including a COMETS summary. AICIA
XXIV Spanish Control and Automation Conference Sept 10-12 Leon, Spain Presentation of a poster with COMETS results. AICIA
Third Int. Wildland Fire Conference Oct 3-6 Sidney, Australia Presentation of COMETS project. ADAI
ICCV 03 Oct 13-16 Nice, France Presentation of a COMETS paper. LAAS
IARP 03 Oct 14-16 Madrid, Spain Presentation of a COMETS paper. AICIA
ISRR 03 Oct 19-22 Sienna, Italy Presentation of a COMETS paper. LAAS

From 01/11/03 to 30/04/04

Event Dates Location Purpose / Justification / Major outcome Participants
Integration meeting Nov, 4-5 Berlin, Germany Communications, Generic Supervisor. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB
General Project Meeting Nov, 6-7 Berlin, Germany Workprogramme review and planning. AICIA, GMV, LIU, LAAS, TUB, ADAI
End users meeting Nov, 7 Berlin, Germany Discussion on COMETS possible applications. End Users feedback. AICIA, GMV, LIU, LAAS, TUB, ADAI
Integration meeting March, 2-3 Madrid, Spain Communications, Generic Supervisor. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB
General Project Meeting March, 4-5 Madrid, Spain Workprogramme review and planning. AICIA, GMV, LIU, LAAS, TUB, ADAI
End users meeting March, 5 Madrid, Spain Discussion on COMETS possible applications. End Users feedback. AICIA, GMV, LIU, LAAS, TUB, ADAI
ICRA 04 April, 26 - May, 1 New Orleans, EEUU Presentation of two COMETS papers. LAAS, AICIA
Integration meeting April, 14-16 Toulouse, France Communications, Generic Supervisor. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB
Meetings at the EC Various Brussels, Belgium Presentation of COMETS and general concepts on cooperating objects in the European Commission. AICIA

From 01/05/04 to 31/10/04

Event Dates Location Purpose / Justification / Major outcome Participants
General Experiments May 17 - 21 Lousa, Portugal Experimentation. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV
End-Users Demonstration and Meeting May 19 Lousa, Portugal Dissemination and Exploitation activities. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, ADAI, HELIV
SSRR 2004 May 24 - 26 Bonn, Germany Presentation of two COMETS papers and one poster. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, ADAI, LIU
HuDem 2004 June 16 - 18 Brussels, Belgium Presentation of a COMETS paper. LAAS
DARS 2004 June 23 - 25 Toulouse, France Presentation of two COMETS papers. LAAS, AICIA
ISORA in WAC 2004 June 28 - July 1 Seville, Spain Presentation of two COMETS papers. AICIA
IAV 2004 July 5 - 7 Lisbon, Portugal Presentation of four COMETS papers. AICIA, TUB, LAAS
Meeting July 8 Lisbon, Portugal Preparation of the review meeting. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, ADAI, LIU
Review meeting July 9 Lisbon, Portugal Third review meeting of the project. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, ADAI, LIU
EMAV 2004 July 13, 14 Braunschweig, Germany Presentation of two COMETS papers and participation in a talk. TUB
XXV Spanish Control and Automation Conference Sept 8 - 10 Ciudad Real, Spain Presentation of a COMETS paper. AICIA
General Project Meeting October, 7 - 8 Lund, Sweden General Meeting of the project. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, ADAI, LIU
End users meeting October, 9 Revinge, Sweden Presentation of COMETS to end users and demonstration of the LIU autonomous helicopters. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, ADAI, LIU

From 01/11/04 to 30/06/05

Event Dates Location Purpose / Justification / Major outcome Participants
IST 2004 November 15 - 17 - Preparation of a poster and DVD in different formats. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV
Congreso Nacional Asociacion Colombiana de Automatica November 2004 Ibague (Colombia) Presentation of one COMETS paper. LAAS
European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks January 2005 Istanbul Presentation of COMETS . AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV
3rd International Symposium on MEXT DDT Rescue Robot project January 2005 Kobe (Japan) Presentation of COMETS . AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV
End Users Meeting March 2005 Seville (Spain) End Users Meeting. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV
General Experiments May 2005 Lousa (Portugal) User Meeting linked to the COMETS Demonstration. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine June 2005 - Presentation of joint COMETS paper. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV
World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) July 2005 Prague (Check Republic) Presentation of COMETS papers. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation September 2005 Barcelona (Spain) Presentation of five COMETS papers. AICIA, LAAS
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2005 Edmonton (Canada) Presentation of COMETS papers. AICIA, GMV, LAAS, TUB, HELIV

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