Latest news

GRVC at the 2024 ICRA in Yokohama
31 May

GRVC at the 2024 ICRA in Yokohama

The GRVC Robotics Lab has partici...
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Robotics Lab members at ICUAS 2023
12 Jun

Robotics Lab members at ICUAS 2023

The University of Seville Robotic...
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Huge success in experiments at ATLAS Center
26 May

Huge success in experiments at ATLAS Center

How long it is needed to find the...
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More than 120 European researchers meet at the euROBIN Event 2023
23 May
The GRVC welcomes the US students
16 Feb

The GRVC welcomes the US students

One more week, the Robotics, Vision a...
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New opportunities to join our team: GRVC is hiring!
21 Dec

New opportunities to join our team: GRVC is hiring!

English The GRVC Robotics Laborator...
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Anibal Ollero receives the Automatica Spanish National Award
13 Sep
2nd Best Poster Award Robosoft 2022
31 May

2nd Best Poster Award Robosoft 2022

Fernando Ruiz, Begoña Arrue and Aníbal O...
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Premio Andalucía al Desarrollo de la Ingeniería
6 Apr

Premio Andalucía al Desarrollo de la Ingeniería

El pasado viernes, Anibal Ollero, ...
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Premios Rei Jaume I
4 Apr

Premios Rei Jaume I

El pasado jueves se presentaron los Prem...
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Anibal Ollero, new member of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences
21 Feb
New media appearances
3 Feb

New media appearances

This week we have made several appearanc...
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New article accepted at IEEE
31 Jan

New article accepted at IEEE

The paper titled: "Free as a Bird: Event...
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Interview with Anibal Ollero in Canal Sur
28 Jan

Interview with Anibal Ollero in Canal Sur

The director of GRVC research group at t...
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Anibal Ollero interviewed by EL PAÍS
10 Jan

Anibal Ollero interviewed by EL PAÍS

The head of the GRVC Lab was interviewed...
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Expodrónica 2021
18 Oct

Expodrónica 2021

“Expodrónica 2021 will have several inte...
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Director GRVC Aníbal Ollero – Speaker at BNEW 2021 Barcelona
6 Oct

Director GRVC Aníbal Ollero – Speaker at BNEW 2021 Barcelona

Prof. Aníbal Ollero, director of the GRV...
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Keynote Talk in AIRPHARO 2021
1 Oct

Keynote Talk in AIRPHARO 2021

Prof. Aníbal Ollero, the AERIAL-CORE Pro...
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News about the application of Artificial Intelligence to the drones
16 Sep
GRVC member Alejandro Suárez – Program Chair at ICUAS 2022
16 Jul

GRVC member Alejandro Suárez – Program Chair at ICUAS 2022

Our group member Alejandro Suárez will b...
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New article in Horizon Magazine
4 Jun

New article in Horizon Magazine

Horizon the EU Research and Innovation M...
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New workshop co-organizes by Anibal Ollero for the ICRA 2021
28 May

New workshop co-organizes by Anibal Ollero for the ICRA 2021

Next Monday, 31st of May will take place...
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Workshop at the ERF 2021
13 Apr

Workshop at the ERF 2021

This Tuesday, 13 April the workshop “Aut...
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PhD Thesis Presentation by Carlos Rodríguez de Cos
5 Apr

PhD Thesis Presentation by Carlos Rodríguez de Cos

Carlos Rodríguez de Cos from GRVC has ob...
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Workshop at the ERF 2021
31 Mar

Workshop at the ERF 2021

The ERF (European Robotics Forum) 2021, ...
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ICRA 2021 Aerial Robotics Workshop
25 Mar

ICRA 2021 Aerial Robotics Workshop

This year we will co-organize the ICRA20...
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A New Article in RTVE about Drones
4 Mar

A New Article in RTVE about Drones

This Wednesday, March 3rd the Spanish TV...
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A new article in CORDIS about GRIFFIN project
2 Mar

A new article in CORDIS about GRIFFIN project

CORDIS (The European Commission’s primar...
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An article about AERIAL-CORE in “Tu Noticia Express”
28 Feb

An article about AERIAL-CORE in “Tu Noticia Express”

The digital website “Tu Noticia Express”...
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An article in the journal “20 Minutos” about AERIAL-CORE
26 Feb

An article in the journal “20 Minutos” about AERIAL-CORE

AERIAL-CORE is developing pioneering inn...
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A new article in RTVE about GRVC
25 Feb

A new article in RTVE about GRVC

This Wednesday, February 16th the Spanis...
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Article in Business Insider about the AERIAL-CORE project
25 Feb

Article in Business Insider about the AERIAL-CORE project

Anibal Ollero, head of the GRVC and scie...
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TYT publish an article about ARCAS
24 Feb

TYT publish an article about ARCAS

The digital website “Tuercas y Tornillos...
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4 New Phd from GRVC
7 Jan

4 New Phd from GRVC

This past year 2020 four members from GR...
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PhD Thesis Presentation By Pedro Sánchez Cuevas
3 Jan

PhD Thesis Presentation By Pedro Sánchez Cuevas

Pedro Sánchez Cuevas from GRVC has obtai...
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Anibal Ollero in the presentation of the Andalucía I+D+I
17 Dec

Anibal Ollero in the presentation of the Andalucía I+D+I

Yesterday, 15th of December 2020, the Pr...
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MHYRO: Best Application Paper Award
3 Nov

MHYRO: Best Application Paper Award

Members of GRVC Robotics Laboratory at t...
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Free access to IROS 2020
23 Oct

Free access to IROS 2020

Online presentations in IEEE/RSJ Interna...
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GRVC is looking for a researcher assistant in manipulation robotics
18 Sep
GRVC at the ICUAS 2020
31 Aug

GRVC at the ICUAS 2020

The GRVC will have an important presenc...
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GRVC at ICRA 2020
1 Jun

GRVC at ICRA 2020

ICRA is the largest robotics meeting in ...
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AERIAL-CORE “Virtual” General Meeting
11 May

AERIAL-CORE “Virtual” General Meeting

The 2nd AERIAL-CORE “Virtual” General Me...
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GRVC at the European Robotics Forum 2020
6 Mar

GRVC at the European Robotics Forum 2020

The GRVC had a significant presence in t...
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Workshop at ERF 2020
2 Mar

Workshop at ERF 2020

Click here to download th...
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Iberian Robotics winners of the Challenge 3 of the MBZIRC
28 Feb

Iberian Robotics winners of the Challenge 3 of the MBZIRC

The Iberian Robotics team formed by th...
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Professor Ollero has been on the set of Canal Sur
31 Jan

Professor Ollero has been on the set of Canal Sur

Proffesor Anibal Ollero, head of GRVC an...
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Do you want to work with us? We’re hiring!
29 Jan

Do you want to work with us? We’re hiring!

The GRVC Robotics Laboratory at the Univ...
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PhD thesis presentation by Francisco Alarcón
15 Jan

PhD thesis presentation by Francisco Alarcón

Franciscon Antonio Alarcón Romero from F...
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Start of H2020 Aerial-Core project
18 Dec

Start of H2020 Aerial-Core project

Last December 10-11 we had the Kick-off ...
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Jury Minutes for the Rei Jaume I Award
29 Nov

Jury Minutes for the Rei Jaume I Award

The Jury of the Rei Jaume I Award  in Ne...
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Anibal Ollero has received the Rei Jaume I Award
26 Nov

Anibal Ollero has received the Rei Jaume I Award

VideoEntrega2Professor Anibal Ollero was...
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Anibal Ollero will receive the Rei Jaume I Prize on November 25th
14 Nov
More than 50% of the spanish papers at IROS 2019 were from GRVC
13 Nov
Presentation of RIMA 1st call in Seville
8 Oct

Presentation of RIMA 1st call in Seville

This Tuesday October 8th the 1st call of...
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Upcoming of ROBOT 2019
10 Sep

Upcoming of ROBOT 2019

After its last edition in Lisbon in 2015...
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Upcoming of RED-UAS 2019
10 Sep

Upcoming of RED-UAS 2019

This year in November the 2019 Internati...
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Upcoming of ICUAS 2020
9 Sep

Upcoming of ICUAS 2020

In 2020 the International Conference...
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GRVC presence in Jornadas de AUTOMÁTICA 2019
9 Sep

GRVC presence in Jornadas de AUTOMÁTICA 2019

This year the GRVC professors Ramiro Mar...
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Final review of AEROARMS
12 Jul

Final review of AEROARMS

This week in a refinery located in Germa...
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GRVC participates in the first landing method without GPS
28 Jun

GRVC participates in the first landing method without GPS

The aerial robotics research group GRVC ...
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Interview to Anibal Ollero in a spanish tv programme
21 Jun

Interview to Anibal Ollero in a spanish tv programme

This Tuesday June 18th the GRVC head Ani...
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GRVC presence at ICUAS ’19
18 Jun

GRVC presence at ICUAS ’19

After the workshops and presentations at...
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New integration experiments of AEROARMS in Germany
13 Jun

New integration experiments of AEROARMS in Germany

After the integration experiments perfor...
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Visit of Endesa to GRVC facilities
10 Jun

Visit of Endesa to GRVC facilities

On Friday June 7th some members from the...
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Rei Jaume I awards ceremony
5 Jun

Rei Jaume I awards ceremony

Anibal Ollero has won the 31st King Jaum...
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GRVC presence at ISAR ’19
31 May

GRVC presence at ISAR ’19

On May 27th and 28 the 3rd International...
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Successful workshop at ICRA 2019
30 May

Successful workshop at ICRA 2019

On May 23rd the ICRA 2019 workshop “The ...
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AEROARMS Campaign of industrial experiments
9 May

AEROARMS Campaign of industrial experiments

A campaign of industrial experiments and...
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Upcoming plenary talk at ISAR 2019
30 Apr

Upcoming plenary talk at ISAR 2019

This year in the month of May the 3rd In...
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Upcoming workshop at ICRA 2019
22 Apr

Upcoming workshop at ICRA 2019

Next May 23rd 2019 the workshop entitled...
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AEROARMS appears in a Euronews report
16 Apr

AEROARMS appears in a Euronews report

Euronews has released a report inside it...
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Durable project kick-off meeting
16 Apr

Durable project kick-off meeting

Last week the DURABLE project kick-off m...
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AEROARMS starts its integration phase with positive results
12 Apr

AEROARMS starts its integration phase with positive results

In this moment AEROARMS is currently in ...
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The challenges in spanish sciences
9 Apr

The challenges in spanish sciences

In April 9th the GADEA Foundation organi...
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Exposition at Dronedays workshop
27 Mar

Exposition at Dronedays workshop

This Tuesday March 26st professor Ramiro...
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GRVC presence at ERF 2019
25 Mar

GRVC presence at ERF 2019

On the past March 21st the workshop "Aer...
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Workshop at ERF 2019
15 Mar

Workshop at ERF 2019

One of the most robotics events of Europ...
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Drones for water collectors inspection
12 Mar

Drones for water collectors inspection

This weekend the local tv-channel Canal ...
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GRVC has started to work in a new national I&M project
6 Feb

GRVC has started to work in a new national I&M project

At the beginning of February the spanish...
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Our presence in the RIMA kick-off meeting (Paris)
9 Jan

Our presence in the RIMA kick-off meeting (Paris)

GRVC joint with CATEC have attended the ...
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Anibal Ollero elevated to IEEE fellow
2 Jan

Anibal Ollero elevated to IEEE fellow

Anibal Ollero head of the GRVC has been ...
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Stand at ICT 2018
17 Dec

Stand at ICT 2018

The H2020 AEROARMS project had a stand a...
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H2020 AEROBI project has finished with good results
30 Nov

H2020 AEROBI project has finished with good results

This Tuesday November 29th the AEROBI ex...
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Anibal Ollero awarded the FAMA prize of University of Seville
26 Nov

Anibal Ollero awarded the FAMA prize of University of Seville

This Tuesday November 27th professor Ani...
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Interview to Aníbal Ollero in spanish daily “El País”
19 Nov

Interview to Aníbal Ollero in spanish daily “El País”

Aníbal Ollero, head of the GRVC and scie...
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GRIFFIN kick-off meeting on November 16th
15 Nov

GRIFFIN kick-off meeting on November 16th

At November 1st started up the most ambi...
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[UPDATE] EuRobotics Week 2018
14 Nov

[UPDATE] EuRobotics Week 2018

On November 16th will start the European...
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AEROBI project’s demo at Amphipolis (Greece)
15 Oct

AEROBI project’s demo at Amphipolis (Greece)

The H2020 european project for the inspe...
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Our presence at IROS 2018
8 Oct

Our presence at IROS 2018

From October 1st to October 5th took pla...
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Keynote at IROS 2018
4 Oct

Keynote at IROS 2018

During the first week of October the IRO...
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Interview To Aníbal Ollero At Cadena SER (Spain)
24 Sep

Interview To Aníbal Ollero At Cadena SER (Spain)

After the AEROARMS project was approved ...
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Visit of Navantia to the GRVC’s facilities
26 Jul

Visit of Navantia to the GRVC’s facilities

This Tuesday the spanish civil and milit...
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VideoSummary of our summer course at UNIA
29 Jun

VideoSummary of our summer course at UNIA

This week our professors Aníbal Ollero, ...
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New appearence of GRVC and AEROARMS on the spanish tv
27 Jun

New appearence of GRVC and AEROARMS on the spanish tv

In the early hours of June 26th a tv rep...
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Our presentations at ICUAS ’18
15 Jun

Our presentations at ICUAS ’18

Between the days June 13th and 15th the ...
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Our presence at ISAR ’18
12 Jun

Our presence at ISAR ’18

On June 11th and 12th Aníbal Ollero in c...
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Summer course at UNIA
6 Jun

Summer course at UNIA

Our professors Aníbal Ollero, Ramiro Mar...
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Anibal Ollero elected between the European Innovators of the year
28 Apr
New project given to GRVC
24 Apr

New project given to GRVC

The European Research Council (ERC) has ...
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AEROBI Technical Demonstration
21 Mar

AEROBI Technical Demonstration

H2020 project AEROBI is in its last year...
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16 Mar


Anibal Ollero is one of the candidates f...
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Euronews cover AEROARMS Prize
15 Dec

Euronews cover AEROARMS Prize

The international news media EURONEWS ha...
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Overall Winner Of The Innovation Radar Prize 2017
15 Dec

Overall Winner Of The Innovation Radar Prize 2017

The European Commission 2017 Innovation ...
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SEIDROB Sister Society of IEEE-RAS
23 Oct

SEIDROB Sister Society of IEEE-RAS

Anibal Ollero, head of the GRVC and Pres...
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Available positions at GRVC
24 Jul

Available positions at GRVC

The Group of Robotics, Vision and Contro...
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GRVC researchers won EU Drone Award
12 Feb

GRVC researchers won EU Drone Award

A team composed by Airbus DS, FADA-CATEC...
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GRVC  at 2016 IEEE Conferences
12 Feb

GRVC at 2016 IEEE Conferences

GRVC had a relevant participation in the...
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4 Feb


The IEEE Technical Committee on "Aerial ...
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GRVC  in the European Robotics Forum
4 Feb

GRVC in the European Robotics Forum

GRVC was present at the last European Ro...
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FP/ ARCAS Concluded with excellent results
4 Feb

FP/ ARCAS Concluded with excellent results

The project Aerial Robotics Cooperative ...
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GRVC in IROS 2015
13 Oct

GRVC in IROS 2015

This year, the International Conference ...
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AEROARMS project started
1 Sep

AEROARMS project started

The project AEROARMS (AErial RObotic sys...
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view all

Research Lines:

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAVs, RPAS)

Aerial robotics

Distributed systems